My Personal Demons

Etching on paper

Etching on paper

Etching on paper

Etching on paper

Etching on paper

Etching on paper

Etching on paper

Etching on paper

Etching on paper

Etching on paper

Etching on paper

Etching on paper

Etching on paper

Etching on paper

Etching on paper

Etching on paper

Etching on paper

Etching on paper

Etching on paper


My Personal Demons
I have been drawn to the elements of myself that hold me back, the demons that haunt me and keep me from accomplishing or confronting issues in my art and in my life. Thus, I began a repetitive process of listing my personal demons and fleshing them out. Their images are etched into metal mimicking the way my demons have the power to dig into me, cutting into my identity. While making the demons I was captivated by the idea of making parts of my identity permanent, especially making the lesser parts of my identity visible and clear on the page. There are many expressions in our culture that suggest a person is best understood when you see her worst side as well as her best. By putting my worst characteristics and inner secrets outside of me I was made vulnerable to judgment but also to understanding.